“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

In yesterday’s post, I asked for people to consider honoring Alexander by taking a few minutes to light a candle in his honor as he celebrated his one month anniversary in heaven with Jesus.

Scott and I lit a candle (with the help of a blow torch, in true Haligowski style), and spent time just being in this reality. We sat with each other, reminded of the sadness, but also the beauty, of this life and parenthood that we are living in.

Then it started. Facebook. Instagram. Text messages. Facebook messages.

Friends across the country were lighting candles, sitting with us, and honoring Alexander’s life.

I turned to Scott, overwhelmed, and said, “My newsfeed is full of candles for Alexander.”

A friend messaged and said, “Erin, dude, your Facebook is lighting up like it’s Christmas. So many candles!!!!! Alexander sure touched a lot of lives.”

It was beautiful, and overwhelming. We went to bed last night with tears in our eyes. Yes, there was some sadness in those tears. But there was also love. So. Much. Love.

We are truly surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses–a community of light bearers in the midst of our darkness. And last night, we were so grateful for that light which no darkness can overcome.

To those who sent and posted pictures of their candles lit for Alexander last night, thank you. For those who lit candles and didn’t send or post pictures, thank you too.

Thank you for honoring Alexander and bringing a little bit whole lot of light into our lives.

We are truly blessed.


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